
Independent Repair Shops Call on Congress to Pass the Bipartisan REPAIR Act

America’s vibrant network of local, independent repair shops plays a critical role in ensuring car and truck owners have options when it comes to repairing their vehicles.
The bipartisan REPAIR Act (H.R. 906) will ensure that consumers and the repairers of their choice have access to the repair and maintenance data needed to perform modern car repairs. 

Kathleen Callahan

Kathleen Callahan of Xpertech Auto Repair in Englewood, Florida shares the important role her shop plays in the community and why every vehicle owner has a stake in right to repair.

Dwayne Myers

Dwayne Myers is the co-owner of Dynamic Automotive, which has six locations across Frederick County, Maryland. He shares how the REPAIR Act can ensure he has access to the vehicle repair and maintenance data needed to serve his customers and community.

About Repair Act

At a time when car repair prices are rising and wait times are increasing, federal right to repair legislation would provide much-needed relief to independent repair shops and consumers alike.

By ensuring fair and standardized access to basic repair and maintenance information, the REPAIR Act will level the playing field between automakers’ exclusive repair networks and independent repairers.

The REPAIR Act has four important principles: 

  • Prevents vehicle manufacturers from creating barriers to car repairs and maintenance

  • Ensures vehicle owners and their repairers of choice have direct access to vehicle-generated repair and maintenance data

  • Expands access to critical repair tools and equipment

  • Establishes a stakeholder advisory committee to examine emerging barriers to repair and maintenance.

The REPAIR Act, which has 50 bipartisan co-sponsors, unanimously advanced out of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce last November.

The REPAIR Act is needed now to protect the 273,000 shops and 900,000 technicians that service the nearly 300 million vehicles on the road in the United States